Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So...I have never been good at these types of things but I guess we have been told we need to keep some sort of journal and since my journal entries are few and far between...MAYBE this may help.

I think this officially makes me an adult...well besides the whole being married thing. Now hopefully if I keep up with this I may be able to remember the things that happen during our married life.

A few funny stories to start it all off...
When my husband and I were engaged he was living in DC. His lack of work shoes was really quite entertaining as you literally saw them falling apart in front of your eyes. So he went and bought some a few days before I went out and visited him. well, lets just say his feet didn't adjust so well and he had enormous instead of using a band-aid of sorts he uses...drum roll please...duct tape. It was the funniest thing as I go out to see him and see duct tape on his foot.

When I was still single I would make dinners for large groups of people once a month (approx. about 15-20). when i didn't do the large dinners I usually made dinner for Levi, his roommates and I. Now that I am married I have not learned my proportions yet and i usually end up making enough food to feed an army...the saddest part, Levi and I don't eat left overs.

Levi and I have different preferences in most things...including air conditioning. I swear he is ALWAYS hot and that means the AC is ALWAYS on and I am therefore AlWAYs cold. So we now take turns on who is comfotable in the house. Luckily I win more often then not.

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